Prior to the eminent destruction of the planet Krypton, renowned scientist Jor-El had constructed a spaceship to carry his infant son Kal-El away from their dying homeworld. He'd included in the ship an A.I. version of himself to help guide Kal-El as he grew, as well as a message reading: On this third planet from this star Sol, you will be a god among men. They are a flawed race. Rule them with strength, my son. That is where your greatness lies. Unbeknowest to Jor-El, though, the spaceship had also had a stowaway, namely some genetic material that had eventually become Davis Bloome.
Three years following Krypton's destruction, Kal-El had arrived on Earth, as had radioactive pieces of Krypton, causing a meteor shower that had struck in Smallville, Kansas in 1989. Shortly after landing, Kal-El had found Jonathan and Martha Kent, and the couple had quickly located his spaceship in Miller's Field. Adopting the boy and naming him Clark, the Kents had taken the ship home with them and hidden it away in their storm cellar. In 2001, Jonathan had finally shown the spaceship to Clark, revealing to his son his alien origins. In 2002, young telepath Ryan James had discovered the existence of the spaceship, thanks to reading Martha's mind. Also in 2002, amoral reporter Roger Nixon had learned about the spaceship while investigating Clark, before tornadoes had hit and the spaceship had been carried away. It had later been found by Clark's friend Pete Ross, forcing Clark to reveal his alien heritage. In 2003, shapeshifting metahuman Tina Greer had tied up Clark in the storm cellar, leaving him with Lana Lang's kryptonite necklace hanging around his neck. The spaceship, either to protect Clark or out of self-preservation, had neutralized the kryptonite in the necklace, saving Clark. Also in 2003, the spaceship had allowed Martha to conceive after so many years of infertility. However, Clark had later destroyed the ship, and it had sent out shockwaves that Jonathan and Martha had been caught up in, causing Martha to have a miscarriage.
![]() Ship's Heart S1: Pilot |
![]() Ship's Key S1: Obscura |
![]() Baby Kal-El put into his spaceship S3: Memoria |
![]() Jor-El's message to his son S2: Rosetta |