Aliases: The Last Daughter of Krypton, Kara Kent, Linda Danvers, Maiden of Might, Supergirl
Appearances: S7; S8: Bloodline; S10: Supergirl, Prophecy
Family: father, Zor-El uncle, Jor-El; aunt, Lara; cousin, Clark Kent; cousin-in-law, Lois Lane
Bio: Kara Zor-El had originally started out her life on the distant planet of Krypton, having been born into the renowned House of El. In the Earth year 1986, a teenage Kara had followed her aunt Lara through a portal to Earth, where they had visited the Kent Farm while Jonathan and Martha Kent had been at church. While poking around the farm, they'd found they had been followed by Kara's father Zor-El, who had proceeded to make unwanted advances on Lara, before erasing Kara's memory of the trip. Months later, as Krypton was being destroyed, Zor-El gave his daughter a blue crystal, then had sent her to Earth to protect her baby cousin. Along the way, Kara's spacecraft had placed her in suspended animation, where she'd remained even after arriving on Earth during Smallville's 1989 meteor shower. It wasn't until eighteen years later, in 2007, that Kara had finally been freed as a result of Clark's fight with Bizarro. Once freed, she'd set about searching for her baby cousin Kal-El, shocked to find that Kal-El was now an adult going by Clark Kent. Together, the two had begun tracking down Kara's ship, which had gone missing, finding it just in time before it could explode. However, the blue crystal her father had given her had also gone missing, having fallen into the hands of the Department of Domestic Security. While she'd continued to search for the crystal, she'd begun living with Clark at the Kent Farm and calling herself Kara Kent, with Clark even enlisting his best friend Chloe Sullivan to create a fake backstory for Kara as his cousin from Minnesota. Eventually, Kara had located her crystal in Washington, D.C., but had been captured by DDS Agent Carter while trying to retireve it and had to be rescued by Clark. Keeping the crystal for himself, Clark had later used Kara's crystal to create a clone of Lara while unknowingly also creating a clone of Zor-El. The Zor-El clone had then set off an eclipse designed to wipe out humans, forcing Clark to destroy the crystal in order to stop him. Unfortunately, while this had destroyed the Zor-El clone, it had also destroyed the clone of Lara, as well as leaving Kara without either her powers or her memory. Weeks later, Kara had been found in Detroit by Lex Luthor, having been working at a diner there and going by Linda Danvers. When Lex had attempted to bring "Linda" back to Smallville, he'd been shot by Finley, a busboy obsessed with "Linda". Finley had then taken "Linda" captive, along with Lois Lane, who had followed Lex to Detroit. Once Clark had discovered Kara's location, he'd rushed to Detroit to save Kara and Lois from Finley. Afterwards, Kara had returned to the Kent Farm with Clark, but still without her memory, she'd eventually moved in with Lex when she'd realized she couldn't trust her cousin. However, after Clark had been abducted on Lionel Luthor's orders, Chloe had brought Kara to the Fortress of Solitude, where the Jor-El AI had restored both Kara's memory and powers, allowing her to swoop in and save Clark. Kara had then moved back in with her cousin and his girlfriend Lana Lang, but their reunion had been shortlived, as a week later, Brainiac had put Lana into a catatonic state and coerced Kara into leaving Earth with him in order to save her. Brainiac had then forced Kara to open up a portalto the past in order to travel back to Krypton just before it had been destroyed, his plan being to kill Kal-El as an infant. Upon locating Kara and Brainiac, Clark had had Jor-El transport him to Krypton in the past , allowing him to save his infant self while Kara had fended off Brainiac. Once Brainiac had been destroyed (or so Clark had thought), Clark had returned to Earth with 'Kara,' not knowing it was really Brainiac in disguise and that Brainiac had trapped the real Kara in the Phantom Zone. Months later, Clark and Lois had been sent to the Phantom Zone via the Crystal of Knowledge, and they'd run into Kara, who had chosen the remain in the Zone for fear of unleashing Phantom wraiths on Earth. However, Clark had been able to convince her to open a portal long enough to send Lois back. Unfortunately, while Kara had been showing them an escape hatch Zor-El had built for himself and his family, Faora, wife of Zod, had attacked and followed Lois to Earth. Fortunately, though, Chloe had been able to use the Crystal of Knowledge to retrieve Clark and Kara, who had then recaptured Faora. Afterwards, Kara had informed her cousin of rumors she'd heard in the Phantom Zone that the city of Kandor had survived the destruction of Krypton, and had proceeded to leave Earth to search for it. In 2010, Kara had reappeared on Earth to help Clark fight Darkseid, and wound adopting a disguise on her cousin's advice, consisting of a brown-haired wig and thick glasses. Months later, Oliver Queen had caught up with her as she'd been searching for the Bow of Orion, the only object said to be able to defeat Darkseid. In the process, she'd become entrapped in a cave, but had been freed with Oliver's help. However, before she and Oliver would've approached the Bow of Orion, Kara had been summoned to the Fortress of Solitude, where Jor-El had warned her that it was Clark's destiny to defeat Darkseid, not hers. So, that night, as Kara had hovered over Watchtower watching over Clark and Lois, she'd put on the Legion ring, disappearing into the future.
Portrayed By: Laura Vandervoort
![]() Kara in civilian disguise S10: Supergirl |