James John Gibson

Species: Human

Apperances: S1: Stray

Family: late wives, Mrs. James and Debra Burch; stepson, Ryan James

Bio: James Gibson is a convict, and the abusive stepfather of telepath Ryan James, who had been left in his care following the death of James's first wife. James had eventually remarried, and he and his new wife Debra had begun to exploit his stepson's ability in order to commit various robberies. In early 2002, after Ryan had reluctantly helped them rob a pawn shop, the boy had seized his chance and run away, in the process running out in front of Martha Kent's car and nearly getting run over. After Ryan had been checked out at the hospital, he'd gone home with Martha and her family, developing a brotherly bond with Martha's son Clark. Just as Ryan had begun to ingratiate himself into the Kent family, Debra had managed to track him down, and had coerced Ryan into leaving with her. She and James had then tried to use Ryan to rob Lex Luthor, with James posing as Lex's chaffeur. However, Ryan had refused to cooperate. Not only that, but he'd revealed to Debra that James had planned on killing her once they'd gotten their hands on Lex's money. Confirming that Ryan had indeed spoken true, James had been forced to kill Debra ahead of schedule. James had then chased Ryan into a bowling alley, cornering him. Fortunately, Clark had realizing what was happening, and had come to the rescue. James had been knocked out with a bowling ball, before being turned over to authorities.

Portrayed By: Jim Shield

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